PT Starindo Cleaning Technologies participated in the Clean Up Jakarta Day event on October 19. It is intended as a form of the company’s commitment to the environment and nature conservation.
Clean Up Jakarta Day is an annual event that brings together communities and volunteers through gotong royong in the spirit of a cleaner Jakarta.
The aim of Clean Up Jakarta Day is to raise awareness of the problem of rubbish and littering in Jakarta, as well as the need for recycling – starting with us as individuals, at home and at the office. Our vision is that every day will be Clean Up Jakarta Day, as we shape conscious and responsible citizens for a better Jakarta.
The first Clean Up Jakarta Day took place on Sunday November 10th 2013, and over 1,000 volunteers turned up, bright and early, to pick up rubbish and clean up Jakarta together. Volunteers separated recyclable from non-recyclable waste as they cleaned at 16 locations around the city, collecting a total of six tonnes of rubbish in the space of two hours.
2014′s activities are expecting a turnout of 5,000 volunteers! This could be you! Please visit our Clean Up Sites page to see what existing sites there are for you to register with. The clean-up activities will be carried out from 7am-9am, followed by a post event gathering at 10am in Senayan for those wishing to share their experiences with other volunteers from other sites.
Our campaign is carried out by volunteers (you!), and without your support and action Clean Up Jakarta Day would not be possible. Please help us by spreading the word to as many of your friends, family members, and colleagues as possible to make Clean Up Jakarta Day 2014 an even greater success!